비수술 우선 척추·관절 치료
바른 진료를 지향하며, 정통의학의 길을 걷는 바른세상병원을 소개합니다.
관절클리닉,척추 클리닉,수족부 클리닉 의료진 순서는 랜덤으로 정렬됩니다.
월 | 화 | 수 | 목 | 금 | 토 | |
오전 | ||||||
오후 |
ㆍThe effect of C-arm fluoroscope on unicompartmental knee replacement arthroplasty
ㆍThe Effectiveness of Arthroscopic Debridement with Mini-Open Ulnar Nerve Decompression in Primary Osteoarthritis of the Elbow with Ulnar Neuropathy
ㆍInfluence of Early Bisphosphonate Administration for Fracture Healing in Patients with Osteoporotic Proximal Humerus Fractures
ㆍRemnant preservation with tensioning can improve the clinical outcome after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
ㆍClinical and Radiological Outcomes After Autologous Matrix-Induced Chondrogenesis Versus Microfracture of the Knee: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis With a Minimum 2-Year Follow-up
ㆍCortical spreading depression과 aspartae 및 glutamate와의 연관관계에 대한 실험적 연구
ㆍ상부 경추 손상환자의 임상분석
ㆍ뇌동맥류의 수술중 파열: 빈도, 원인, 처치의 고려사항에 대하여
ㆍ지방척수 수막류 14례의 임상분석
ㆍ전교통동맥 동맥류의 조기수술
ㆍ해면상 혈관종의 치료
ㆍ두부정위기와 신경내시경을 이용한 뇌낭미충 제거술에 대한 임상연구
ㆍVertex epidural hematomas: considerations in the MRI era
ㆍ안와상 접근법
ㆍ소뇌교각에 발생한 교모세포종 -증례보고-
ㆍSubfascial temporalis dissection: an ideal technique in pterional craniotomy?
ㆍThumb Reconstruction With a Free neurovascular Wrap-Around Flap From the Big Toe:
ㆍA comparative study of stereotactic endoscopic removal and stereotactic catheter drainage in intracerebral hematom
ㆍ정상 한국 성인의 악력 및 파지력의 측정 결과
ㆍ다발성 섬유성 골이형성증 변형에 대한 나사못 맞물림 골수정을 이용한 치료
ㆍ주상골의 유골 골종(증례보고)
ㆍ전완부 유리피판술을 이용한 연부 조직 결손의 치료
ㆍ화상분석법을 이용한 골졸양의 DNA 배수성 측정
ㆍ쇄골골절의 치료
ㆍ골시멘트를 사용하지 않는 직선형의 대퇴스템에서 대퇴골 평가지수에 대한 분석
ㆍ상완신경총손상의 수술적 치료
ㆍConcentration changes of extracellular glutamate and aspartate during cortical spreading depression(Abstract)
ㆍ소뇌 핍지-성상세포 혼합종에 합병된 경수 척수공동증
ㆍ테리온 접근법에서의 근막하 골형성 개두술
ㆍRelationship between tissue plasminogen activator, plasminogen activator inhibitor and CT image in chronic subdural hematoma
ㆍConcentration changes of extracellular glutamate and aspartate during cortical spreading depression(Abstract)
ㆍ수아종에서 DNA ploidy, p53, PCNA의 예후인자로서의 의의성에 관한 연구
ㆍ테리온 접근법에서의 근막하 골형성 개두술
ㆍ소뇌 핍지-성상세포 혼합종에 합병된 경수 척수공동증
ㆍRelationship between tissue plasminogen activator, plasminogen activator inhibitor and CT image in chronic subdural hematoma
ㆍConcentration changes of glutamate and aspartate during cortical spreading depression
ㆍ수아종에서 DNA ploidy, p53, PCNA의 예후인자로서의 의의성에 관한 연구
ㆍExperimental model of intracerebral hematoma in rat
ㆍTendocutaneous Free Flap Transfer from the Dorsum of the Foot
ㆍTendocutaneous Free Flap Transfer from the Dorsum of the Foot
ㆍ신경결손에 시행한 신경이식술의 결과분석
ㆍ미세수술을 이용한 발 뒤꿈치 재건
ㆍ대퇴골 경부골절의 다발성 핀 고정에 대한 임상적 연구
ㆍ총비골 신경손상의 봉합치료
ㆍ대퇴골두 무혈성괴사에서 자기공명영상과 단순방사선, 골주사 검사 및 조직검사와의 비교분석
ㆍ늑골 연골막을 이용한 그누이지 관절 표면치환성형술
ㆍ경골에 시행한 생피골 및 생피부편 이식의 임상적 연구
ㆍ대퇴골 경부골절양상에 따른 내고정 방법의 생역학적 연구
ㆍ요골신경마비에서 건 전이술
ㆍTendocutaneous Free Flap Transfer from the Dorsum of the Foot
ㆍCarpal Tunnel Syndrome 임상적 고찰
ㆍ대퇴골 경부골절 양상에 따른 내고정 방법의 생역학적 연구
ㆍNimodipine이 뇌척수액 생성에 미치는 효과에 관한 실험적 연구
ㆍAcetazolamide와 Fluphenazine의 뇌척수액 생성에 대한 효과
ㆍ족관절 골절의 수술적 치료에 대한 임상적 고찰
ㆍ기능성 유리박근 근피판을 이용한 손상상지의 재건
ㆍ요골원위부관절내 분쇄골절의 경피적 강선 고정
ㆍ부적합한 상태에서의 척추 내고정기를 이용한 척추골절의 외고정술
ㆍ기능성 유리박근 근피판을 이용한 손상 상지의 재건
ㆍ족재부 유리편을 이용한 생건 피부편이식
ㆍ동종골이식술로 치료한 대퇴골원위부에 발생한 거대포종(증례보고)
ㆍ족배부 유리편을 이용한 생건피부편 이식
ㆍVascularised Osteocutaneous fibular transfer to the tibia
ㆍ병적골절을 동반한 원발성 부갑상선 기능항진증 (증례보고)
ㆍ주관절 굴곡 재건술의 치험 2례
ㆍ선천성 수무지 발육부전증(증례보고)
ㆍ대퇴골 경부골절환자에서 골조송증과 대퇴근위 골소주 지표와의 관계에 관한 연구
ㆍ심회선 장골혈관을 이용한 생장골 피부편 이식
ㆍ주상골 골절에 대한 임상적 고찰
ㆍThumb Reconstruction with a Free Neurovascular wrap Around Flap From the Big Toe
ㆍ응급정형외과 환자의 임상적 고찰
ㆍ봉합수기에 따른 미세혈관 개존에 대한 실험적 연구
ㆍ요측근막유리편 이식술
ㆍ중족골을 이용한 수무지재건
ㆍ미세수술을 이용한 손상수부의 재건
ㆍ연부조직에 발생한 골육종(증례보고)
ㆍ수지굴건 이식에 대한 임상적고찰
ㆍ미세수술을 이용한 손상수부의 재건
ㆍ선천성 수부기형의 임상적 고찰
ㆍ미세수술을 이용한 족배유리피부편 이식술에 대한 임상적 고찰
ㆍ피부섬유종에서 발생한 섬유육종
ㆍ수지굴건 이식술에 대한 임상적 고찰
ㆍ미세수술을 이용한 손상수부의 재건술
ㆍ미세수술을 이용한 종골 절단의 재건술
ㆍMicrovascular Osteocutaneous Flap Transfer
ㆍ수근척골근에 발생한 혈관종
ㆍ미세수술을 이용한 생골이식 후 골생존도에 관한 골주사상의 의의
ㆍ전완부 간부 골절에 대한 임상적 고찰
ㆍ미세수술을 이용한 Gracilis Myocutaneous Free Flap 이식술
ㆍTensor Fascia lata Myocutaneous Free Flap의 임상응용
ㆍ미세수술법을 이용한 유리생건 및 생피부편 이식술
ㆍ소아상완골 과상골절에 대한 임상적 고찰
ㆍ미세수술법을 이용한 유리생골 및 생피부편 이식술
ㆍ정형외과 영역에서의 호르몬 대사의 영향
ㆍ선천성 동정맥류의 치험 1례
ㆍ수부절단의 재접함(증례보고)
ㆍFacet block을 이용한 요통의 임상적 치료효과
ㆍ미세수술법을 이용한 Neurovascular Dorsalis Pedis Free Flap Transfer
ㆍHuntington 방법에 의한 경골 결손의 치료
ㆍ모지에 발생한 거대세포종 치험 1례
ㆍReplantation of Amputated Parts of Extremities
ㆍ수부손상에 대한 임상적 고찰
ㆍ경골과 골절에 대한 임상적 고찰
ㆍ근무력증의 진단과 치료
ㆍ우측 대퇴 원위부 외측광근에 발생한 혈관종
ㆍ요골두의 진구성 전방탈구 치험 예
ㆍ고동맥에 발생한 외상성 가성 동맥류
ㆍExperimental model of intracerebral hematoma in rat
ㆍA new trend in operative technique for intracerebral hemorrhage: a comparative study of stereotactic endoscopic removal and stereotactic catheter drainage
ㆍ슬관절의 골 관절염 치료에 있어서 아쎄클로페낙(Aceclofenac)의 효과 및 안정성 연구
ㆍ건 봉합합 방법에 따른 생역학적 분석
ㆍ사지에 발생한 신경초종의 미세수술적치료
ㆍ다발성 Knowles핀을 이용한 60세 이하 성인에서의 대토골 경부골절의 치료
ㆍ수지굴건 손상의 치료
ㆍ유리피판 이식에서 정맥이식의 임상적 의의
ㆍ요골 신경손상의 수술적 치료
ㆍA case of superior cerebellar aneurysm combined with abnormal cerebral vascular network
ㆍEndoscopic fenestration procedures for cerebral arachnoid cysts
ㆍAnterior Cervical Fusion: Is Locking Screw Better?
ㆍSubfascial dissection technique in the pterional craniotomy
ㆍThe surgical management of lipomyelomeningocele
ㆍCine MR CSF flow study in hydrocephalus: What are the valuable parameters?
ㆍTransverse myelitis - A retrospective analysis oof MR imaging - evaluated 32 cases
ㆍAcute transverse myelitis: Clinical analysis of 32 MRI-evaluated patients
ㆍExperimental study of the protection against the acute focal cerebral ischemia
ㆍThe effect of intracerebral hematoma on cortical blood flow and cerebral ischemia
ㆍA new trend in operative technique for ICH: A comparative study
ㆍAssessment of cervical stenosis with phase-contrast cine MR imaging: A preliminary study
ㆍComparison between constrained and non-constrained plate screw system in anterior cervical fusion
ㆍ테리온 개두술에서의 측두근막하 절개법의 유용성
ㆍ경추 전방 골 유합술 152례에 대한 후향적 분석
ㆍ양성 신경성 종양과 유사한 방사선학적 소견을 보인 격리 수핵 탈출증 2례
ㆍ후궁성형술로 치료한 경추 척수병증 환자에서 방사선학적 소견이 예후에 미치는 영향
ㆍ백서에서 뇌실질내 혈종이 대뇌 피질 혈류량과 조직 허혈 손상에 미치는 영향
ㆍ선천성 정맥 기형에 동반된 해면상 혈관종
ㆍ단락의 기능부전과 관련되어 발생한 공뇌증성 낭종 - 증례보고 -
ㆍ전두동에 발생한 점액류종 – 증례보고
ㆍ슬괵동맹 파열에 대한 재건
ㆍ척추골절에서 척추경을 통한 정복 및 골이식
ㆍ유리피판 공여부로서 족부의 이병률
ㆍBiomechanical Analysis of Tendon Suture Techniques
ㆍCorpectomy vs. Segmental discectomy in anterior cervical fusion
ㆍExperiences of Cerebral Endoscopic procedures in Korea - 69 cases
ㆍClinical significance of Cine PC MR CSF flow study in cervical stenosis: Preliminary study
ㆍMR findings of intramedullary lesions:Differential features between tumorous and nontumorous lesions
ㆍEndoscopic fenestration procedures to cerebral arachnoid cysts
ㆍ두개강내 정맥기형들과 동반된 안와내 해면상 혈관종 1례 대한 임상적 연구
ㆍ뇌지주막하 출혈 환자에서 경두개도플러와 SPECT를 사용하여 측정한 이산화탄소 반응성에 대한 연구
ㆍ중대뇌동맥류 파열로 인한 뇌지주막하 출혈 환자에서 수술성적과 수술시기에 영향을 미치는 요인
ㆍ전방 경유 경추골 융합술에서 시간경과에 따른 고정분절의 높이와 Cobb 각도의 변화에 대한 임상적 연구
ㆍNeurosurgical aspects of sedimentation levels in acute intracerebral hematoma
ㆍCine MR CSF flow study in hydrocephalus: What are the valuable parameters?
ㆍExperimental Study of the Histologic Findings of the Neoendothelialization according to Length of Polytetrafluoroethylene
ㆍIntra-aneurysmal pressure changes according to clippings on the parent artery and aneurysm in experimental model of rabbits
ㆍSurgical options of hypertensive intracerebral hematoma: Stereotaxic endoscopic removal versus stereotactic catheter drainage
ㆍ가토의 뇌동맥류 모형에서 모동맥 및 동맥류 협자에 따른 동맥류 내압의 변화:기초 연구
ㆍ중증 뇌손상 환자에서의 지속적 경정맥 산소 포화도 측정
ㆍ실비우스 수도를 경유한 뇌낭미충 낭종의 이주 – 증례보고
ㆍ경추 전방 골유합술에서 척추체 제거술과 두곳 추간판 제거술의 비교
ㆍ뇌동맥류 파열후 뇌지주막하 출혈로 인한 신경학적으로 불량한 환자에 대한 급성기 수술의 성적
ㆍIntraspinal epdermoid cyst occurring 15 years after lipomyelomeningocele repair
ㆍSpontaneous regression of a herniated cervical disc in a patient with myelopahty
ㆍFree Vascularized Osteocutaneous Fibular Graft to the Tibia
ㆍ요추 추간판 탈출증에서의 황색인대 보존 현미경 수술법의 임상적 분석
ㆍMoyaMoya 질환의 수술적 결과
ㆍ관동정맥기형 파열로 인한 경추강내의 경막외 혈종 – 증례보고-
ㆍ결절성 경화증에 동반된 상의하 거대 세포 성상세포종의 내시경적 수술
ㆍCT지표를 이용한 두정¬후두부 뇌실 도관의 정확한 삽입
ㆍ양궁화살에 의한 두부 관통상 1례 - 증례보고 -
ㆍ경추 척수병증 환자에 있어서 Phase-Contrast Cine MRI 평가의 임상적 유용성
ㆍ자기공명촬영으로 확인된 횡단성 척수염 29례에 대한 후향적 분석
ㆍComparison between constrained and non-constrained plate system in anterior cervical fusion
ㆍA Co-operative study: Clinical characteristics of 334 Korean patients with MoyaMoya disease treated at Neurosurgical Institutes(1976-1994)
ㆍLigament-sparing Lumbar Microdiscectomy: Technical Note
ㆍThumb Reconstruction with a wrap-Around Free Flap according to the level of Amputation
ㆍThumb Reconstruction with a wrap-Around Free Fla-p according to the Level of Amputation
ㆍCongenital Pseudoar throsis of the Ulnatreated by Free Vascularized Fibular Graft –A Case Report-
ㆍ수부기능의 재건을 위한 기능성 유리박근 근피판이식
ㆍ수부의 근위지간 관절에서 연골막 표면 치환성형술
ㆍ수부에 발생한 유선상 과골증 - 2예 보고- Melorheostosis in Hand – 2 cases of report –
ㆍ자기공명촬영에서 침강 레벨을 나타낸 뇌하수체 선종 - 증례보고 -
ㆍBrown-Sequard 증후군과 Horner씨 증후군으로 발현된 동정맥 기형 파열로 인한 경추 경막외 혈종 -증례보고
ㆍ요추 추간판 탈출증 환자의 단기 입원에 대한 임상적 분석
ㆍ소아방아쇠 무지의 임상적 고찰
ㆍ수근관증후군에서 시행한 신경외막 절개술
ㆍ고주파 에너지로 발생된 열을 이용한 전방십자인대 축화의 효과 – 가토를 이용한 생체 외 생역학적 실험 –
ㆍRF 에너지로 발생된 열을 이용한 가토의 전방십자인대의 축화에 대한 실험적 연구
ㆍ수근관 증후군에서 시행한 신경 외막 절제술
ㆍ요측 전완부 감각 피판을 이용한 감각 재건
ㆍ소아 방아쇠 무지의 임상적 고찰
ㆍThe Effect of Aspirin and Prostaglandin E1 on The Patency of Microvascular Anastomosis in the Rats
ㆍ흉요부 신견초종 제거 후 발생한 자발성 뇌경막 외 출혈 –증례보고
ㆍRapid Neurorrhaphy with Titanium Clips
ㆍ비외상성 대퇴골두 골괴사에 시행한 이극성 반치환술에서 대퇴스템 주위의 골용해에 대한 분석
ㆍ시멘트를 사용한 후방 십자인대 보존형 슬관절 인공관절 치환술 –류마토이드 및 퇴행성 슬관절염환자의 비교 –
ㆍ슬관절 전치환술후 스포츠 활동
ㆍPFC Sigma Rotating –Platform 을 이용한 슬관절 전치환슬의 단기 추시 결과
ㆍFree Vascularized Osteocutaneous Fibular Graft to the Tibia in 51 Consecutive Cases
ㆍFatal Aortic Tumor Embolism Presenting as Acute Paraplegia
ㆍLumbar Spinal Fusion in the Elderly : Surgical Results and Complications
ㆍ추간판탈출증에 대한 안전하고 성공적인 추간공경유 후근신경절 및 경막외 신경차단술을 위한 조언 및 지침
ㆍ족저 근막염의 초음파 영상학적 형태
ㆍ청소년기 축구선수에서 원위 대퇴외과 성장판 손상의 관절경하 정복 및 내고정 -1례보고-
ㆍ상완골 골절에 대한 골수강내 금속정
ㆍStress fracture of the proximal fibula in military recruits
ㆍ[Original Paper] Osteogenecity and Biomechanical Properties of Autologous Osteoblast Cells Mixed with Fibrin
ㆍ[Original Article] A Novel Model of Osteonecrosis in the Knee Joint
ㆍgel-type autologous chondrocyte (Chondron TM) implantation for treatment of articular cartilage defects of the knee
ㆍChanges of upper thoracic curve and shoulder balance in thoracic adolescent idiopathic scoliosis treated by anterior selective thoracic fusion using VATS
ㆍSuture-bridge subscapularis tendon repair technique using low anterior portals
ㆍAnnulus Fibrosus Cells Interact With Neuron-like Cells to Modeulate Production of Growth Factors and Cytokines in Symptomatic Disc Degeneration
ㆍEfficacy of a New Navigable Percutaneous Disc Decompression Device (L’DISQ) in Patients with Lumbar Discogenic Pain
ㆍ표면열 적용에 따른 피부온도 및 동통의 변화
ㆍ시즌 전 동계훈련을 통한 축구 손상의 방지
ㆍ체간 현수에 의한 백서 비복근의 근위축과 전기근육자극이 근위축에 미치는 영향
ㆍ좌골신경의 주사손상에 대한 실험적 연구
ㆍ만성 요통환자에서 등속성 운동치료의 효과
ㆍ여성 요통환자의 골밀도 검사소견
ㆍ실험적으로 유발된 흰쥐의 신경병변성 동통에 대한 약물치료의 효과
ㆍSkeletal muscle fiber quality in older men and women
ㆍContractile properties of single muscle fibers in myotonic dystrophy.
ㆍContractile properties of adjacent segments of single human muscle fibers.
ㆍ[CME Article 2001 series #4] Age- and Gender – Related Differences in Maximum Shortening Velocity of Skeletal Muscle Fibers,
ㆍContractile Properties of Adjacent segments of Single Human Muscle Fibers
ㆍArthroscopic treatment of synovial chondromtosis at the knee posterior septum using a trans-septal approach: Report of two cases
ㆍFactors affecting assessment of ulnar bowing in radiography
ㆍEvaluation of the reliability of the dial test for posterolateral rotatoy instability: a cadaveric study using an isotonic rotation machine.
ㆍA Comparision of Treatment of Broad DCP and Narrow DCP Fixation of the Humerus Shaft Fractures
ㆍSugioka’s Transtrochanteric Rotational Osteotomy in the Treatment of Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head
ㆍThe Effect of Aspirin and Prostaglandin E1 on the Patency of Microvascular Anastomosis in Rat
ㆍAnterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using remnant preservation and a femoral tensioning technique: clinical and magnetic resonance imaging results
ㆍAnatomic Double-Bundle Reconstruction Techniques Result in Graft Obliquities That Closely Mimic the Native Anterior Cruciate Ligament Anatomy
ㆍAre Navigation Systems Accurate Enough to Predict the Correction Angle During High Tibial Osteotomy?: Comparison of Navigation Systems With 3-Dimensional Computed Tomography and Standing Radiographs.
ㆍ토끼 좌골 신경 분절 결손 후 신경도관 내에서의 재생과정 중 혈소판 유도 성장인자의 역할 The role of Platelet Derived Growth Factor (PDGF) on nerve regeneration in segmental defect of rabbit sciatic nerve into Nerve Conduit
ㆍ흉곽 출구 증후군의 치료 The Treatment of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
ㆍ수부에 발생한 악성종양 Malignant Tumors of the Hand
ㆍ원위 요골 골절과 동반된 원위 요척 관절 손상의 치료 Treatment of Distal Radioulnar Joint Injuries Associated with a Distal Radius Fracture
ㆍ역행 골수강내 금속정을 이용한 상완골 간부 골절의 치료 Treatment of Humeral Shaft Fracture with Retrograde Intramedullary Nail
ㆍArthroscopic repair of bucket-handle tears of the lateral meniscus.
ㆍFlexion and extension gaps created by the navigation-assisted gap technique show small acceptable mismatches and close mutual correlations.
ㆍPatellar instability with and without trochlear dysplasia: new arthroscopic medial soft tissue plication with pullout technique.
ㆍSerial Assessment of Weight-Bearing Lower Extremity Alignment Radiographs After Open-Wedge High Tibial Osteotomy
ㆍTunnel Volume Enlargement After Posterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: Comparison of Achilles Allograft With Mixed Autograft/AllograftdA Prospective Computed Tomography Study.
ㆍDifference of motor overflow depending on the impaired or unimpaired hand in stroke patients
ㆍThe hypoalgesic effect of remote tactile sensory modulation on the mechanical sensitivity of trigger points:A randomized controlled study
ㆍA Case of Multiple Mendingiomas
ㆍ두위변동에 따른 생체징후, 뇌관류압 및 뇌압의 변화에 관하여 (Changes of the Vital Sign, Cerebral Perfusion Pressure and Intracranial Pressure in Variable Degree of Head Elevation)
ㆍ흉·요추 및 요추골절 환자에서 외과적 감압 및 기구고정(Surgical Decompression and Stabilization with Instrumentation in Thoracolumbar and Lumbar Spine Fracture)
ㆍ소아 신경외과 질환의 임상적 분석(Clinical Analysis of Pediatric Neurosurgrical Diseases)
ㆍGalen정맥의 진성 뇌동맥류 기형(True Aneurysmal Malformation of Vein of Galen) - Case Report -
ㆍ중증 두뇌 외상 환자의 뇌척수액 유산염 변화와 예후와의 관계(Correlation between Changes of Cerebrospinal Lactate Level and Prognosis in Severely Head-Injured Patients)
ㆍ다발성 뇌동맥류에 있어서 파열 부위의 동정(Multiple Aneurysm-Which One Ruptured?)
ㆍAstrocytoma in the Bilateral Thalamus - A case report-
ㆍNonsurgical Management of Parasagittal Epidural Hematoma Report of 4 Cases
ㆍ자발성 경동맥 해면정맥동루의 직접도달 수술법(Direct Surgical Approach of the Spontaneous Carotid Cavernous Fistula)
ㆍ불안정 경척추 골절 및 아탈구의 내고정술(Internal Fixation of the Unstable Cervical Spine Fracture and Subluxation)
ㆍ전자기파에 노출시킨 가토의 대뇌신경세포 변화(Morphological Changes of Cerebrum in Rabbits Exposed to Microwaves)
ㆍOmmaya Reservior를 이용한 거대 낭성 두개인두종 완전 제거 치험 1례(Complete Removal of Giant Cystic Craniophanyngioma by Drainage Through the Ommaya Reservior)
ㆍThe Effects of Microwave Irradiated on Rabbit's ICP
ㆍEffects of the Selective Management for Increased Intracranial Pressure with Obstruction of Internal Carotid Artery in Rabbits
ㆍSubependymal Giant Cell Astrocytoma in the Tuberous Sclerosis
ㆍ경막성 경동맥 - 해면정맥동루의 수술적 색전술-증례보고-
ㆍ뇌하수체 거대선종에 대한 경접형골동 수술의 임상적 고찰
ㆍLaser Hyperthermia에서 조건변동에 따른 병소변화(Laserthermia Induced Histological Changes in Different Thermal Condition)
ㆍ가토에서 전자기파 조사가 뇌하수체 호르몬 분비에 미치는 영향(Hormonal(Cortisol, Growth Hormone, Lutenizing Hormone, Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) Changes of Rabbits Exposed to Microvwaves)
ㆍ수술로 치료한 뇌동맥류 440례의 예후에 영향을 미치는 요소(Analysis of 440 Surgically Treated Cerebral Aneurysm -Review of Prognostic Factors)
ㆍ양측 전두부 뇌실질에 발생한 Sparganosis에 대한 치험례 (A Case of Sparganosis in the Bifrontal Intracerebral Region)
ㆍ뇌실-복강간 단락술에 있어서 Flow Regulated Valve와 Differential Pressure Valve의 치료 성적에 대한 비교(Comparative Study with Flow Regulated Valve and Differential Pressure Valve in Ventriculo-Peritoneal Shunt)
ㆍ접형골 접근법에 의한 뇌동맥류 수술후에 생긴 뇌경막하수종(Subdural Hygroma Following Pterional Approach for Cerebral Aneurysmal Surgery
ㆍ자발성 뇌교,소뇌 출혈의 예후 인자 (Prognostic Factors in Spontaneous Cerebellar Hemorrhage and Pontine Hemorrhage)
ㆍAnterolateral Surgical Decompression and Instrumentation in Thoracolumbar Bursting Fracture
ㆍ흉요추 및 요추 골절에 대한 수술접근법에 따른 치료결과의 비교분석(Comparative Anslysis of Results by Operative Approaches for Thoracolumbar or Lumbar Fractures)
ㆍ성인에서 발현한 Tethered Cord Syndrome (Tethered Cord Syndrome in Adulthood)
ㆍ뇌동맥류 수술후 발생한 뇌경막하 수종의 방사성 동위원소 조영술(RI Cisternogram)을 통한 분석(Radioisotope Cisternographic Analysis of Post-operative Subdural Hygroma after Aneurysmal Surgery)
ㆍThe Treatment of Giant Middle Cerebral Artery Aneurysm with MDS Coil- Case Report -
ㆍA Case of Desmoplastic Infantile Ganglioglioma
ㆍ기계적 분리코일을 이용한 소아 거대 중대뇌동맥류의 치료 The Treatment of Giant Middle Cerebral Artery Aneurysm with MDS Coil - Case Report -
ㆍ결합조직형성성 영아 신경절교종 A Case of Desmoplastic Infantile Ganglioglioma
ㆍ내원 당시 나쁜 등급(Hunt-Hess Grade IV,V)의 뇌동맥류성 지주막하 출혈환자에서 좋은 예후를 보이는 요소(Contributing Factors for Favorable Outcome in Spite of Initially Poor Graded Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Patients(Hunt-Hess grade IV,V)
ㆍ급성 경추부 손상시 전방 금속판 고정기기들의 임상비교 (Clinical Comparison of Anterior Cervical Plating System in Acute Cervical Injury)
ㆍ완전 적출후 급격히 파급된 맥락총암 1례- 증례보고-(A Case of Choroid Plexus Carcinoma with Rapid Dissemination after Gross Total Resection)
ㆍ급성 하지마비로 내원한 과립구성 육종 1례 - 증례보고-(A Case of Spinal Epidural Granulocytic Sarcoma with Acute Paraparesis - A Case Report -)
ㆍ외상성 흉요추 접합부 골절시 Kaneda기구 고정술의 임상분석(Clinical Evaluation of Anterolateral Surgical Decompression and Instrumentation in Thoracolumbar Bursting Fracture)
ㆍ경척추 질환에서 전방잠금일측치밀골 고정장치를 이용한 경척추 내고정술의 예후인자(Prognostic Factors of locking Unicortical System in Internal Fixation for Cervical Spine Lesions)
ㆍ뇌수막종의 조직학적 Grading,과 201TI SPECT 및 99mTc-MIBI SPECT와의 관계에 관한 연구(201TI SPECT and 99mTc-MIBI SPECT : A Comparative study with Pathologic Grading of Meningioma)
ㆍ외상성 흉요추 접합부 골절시 Kaneda기구 고정술의 임상분(Clinical Evaluation of Anterolateral Surgical Decompression and Instrumentation in Thoracolumbar Bursting Fracture)
ㆍ요추 전방전위증의 복합 기구고정술(Combined instrumentation in Lumbar Spondylolisthesis)
ㆍ중증 두부손상환자의 예후인자에 대한 고찰(Prognostic Factors in Patients with Severe Head Injury)
ㆍ만기 외상성 간질발작의 위험인자 (Risk Factors of late Post-traumatic Seizure)
ㆍ뇌졸중 후 중추성 통증과 체성감각유발전위의 관계. 대한재활의학회지
ㆍ저혈당으로 인한 치매와 뇌 영상에서의 비가역적 손상 -증례 보고-. 대한재활의학회지
ㆍ만성 신경근병증 환자에서 Hydroxocobalamin의 효과. 대한임상통증학회지
ㆍ뇌졸중 환자의 구강건강상태. 대한뇌졸중학회지
ㆍ뇌성마비가 동반된 다운 증후군 환아의 환축추 불안정에 의한 경수 손상. 대한재활의학회지
ㆍ혈장분리반출술을 시행한 한랭글로불린혈증성 다발성 신경병증 1예. 대한재활의학회지
ㆍ체질량지수가 인공고관절 전치환술 후 임상적 결과와 삶의 질에 미치는 영향
ㆍTibial Tunnel Aperture Location During Single-Bundle Posterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: Comparison of Tibial Guide Positions
ㆍQuadriceps Strength and Endurance After Posterior Cruciate Ligament Tears Versus Matched Group With Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tears
ㆍHigh Axial Loads While Walking Increase Anterior Tibial Translation in Intact and Anterior Cruciate Ligament-Deficient Knees.
ㆍEffect of axial loading during knee flexion on ACL end-to-end distance in healthy and ACL-deficient knees.
ㆍFactors Influencing the Response to High Dose Methotrexate-based Vincristine and Procarbazine Combination Chemotherapy for Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma
ㆍExtensive Spinal Epidural Abscess: The Usefulness of Minimal Invasive Surgical Technique using Epidural Irrigation Catheter
ㆍPatient perspectives on virtual reality-based rehabilitation after knee surgery: importance of level of difficulty
ㆍFeasibility of a Self-Determination Theory-based Exercise Program in Community-Dwelling South Korean Older Adults: Experiences from a 13-Month Trial
ㆍEffectiveness of a New Navigable Percutaneous Disc Decompression Device (L’DISQ) in Patients with Lumbar Discogenic Pain
ㆍTotal knee arthroplasty after failed high tibial osteotomy: a systematic review of open versus closed wedge osteotomy.
ㆍDynamic Three-Dimensional Analysis of Lachman Test for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Insufficiency: Analysis of Anteroposterior Motion of the Medial and Lateral Femoral Epicondyles.
ㆍThe Mediolateral Excursion of the Meniscal Bearing during Flexion and Extension of the Knee after Medial Mobile-Bearing Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty
ㆍFeasibility of a Self-Determination Theory-Based Exercise Program in Community-Dwelling South Korean Older Adults: Experiences from a 13-Month Trial
ㆍPatient perspectives on virtual reality-based rehabilitation after knee surgery: Importance of level of difficulty
ㆍAbdominal hollowing and bracing strategies increase joint stability in the trunk region during sudden support surface translation but not in the lower extremities
ㆍIntravenous iron supplementation with intra-articular administration of tranexamic acid reduces the rate of allogeneic transfusions after simultaneous bilateral total knee arthroplasty
ㆍ Feasibility of a smartphone-based exercise program for office workers with neck pain: An individualized approach using a self-classification algorithm
ㆍTunnel widening prevention with the allo-Achilles tendon graft in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: Surgical tips and short-term followup
ㆍEfficacy of Tranexamic Acid for Hemostasis in Patients Undergoing High Tibial Osteotomy.
ㆍReliability of histographic analysis for paraspinal muscle degeneration in patients with unilateral back pain using magnetic resonance imaging
ㆍ진구성 만성 아킬레스 건 파열의 수술적 치료의 결과
ㆍ회전근개 파열 환자의 고유 수용성 감각 기능: 수술전 기능의 예비 보고
ㆍMinimum Seven-year Follow-up of Cementless Total Hip Arthroplasty with the COREN Hip System
ㆍBearing Dislocation and Progression of Osteoarthritis After Mobile-bearing Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty Vary Between Asian and Western Patients: A Meta-analysis.
ㆍPatellar Redislocation Rates and Clinical Outcomes After Medial Patellofemoral Ligament Reconstruction: Suture Anchor Versus Double Transpatellar Tunnel Fixation.
ㆍCan Simultaneous Bilateral Medial Opening High Tibial Osteotomy Satisfy Bilateral Medial Osteoarthritis Patients with Varus Alignment?
ㆍPreoperative Factors Involved in Dislocation of Mobile Bearing after Oxford Medial Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty
ㆍUniplane medial opening wedge high tibial osteotomy relative to a biplane osteotomy can reduce the incidence of lateral-hinge fracture.
ㆍGradual change in knee extension following total knee arthroplasty using ultracongruent inserts
ㆍAcute Subdural Hematoma after Carotid Artery Stenting
ㆍGenetics of Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
ㆍPreventive effects of conservative treatment with short-term teriparatide on the progression of vertebral body collapse after osteoporotic vertebral compression fracture.
ㆍPosterior percutaneous endoscopic cervical foraminotomy and diskectomy with unilateral biportal endoscopy
ㆍHow I do It: L5/S1 foraminal stenosis and far-lateral lumbar disc herniation with unilateral bi-portal endoscopy.
ㆍArthroscopic-assisted anatomical reconstruction of the posterolateral corner of the knee joint
ㆍRevision Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction After Primary Anatomic Double-Bundle Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: A Case Series of 40 Patients
ㆍEffect of electrical stimulation on neural regeneration via the p38-RhoA and ERK1/2-Bcl-2 pathways in spinal cord-injured rats.
ㆍEffects of Hippotherapy on Psychosocial Aspects in Children With Cerebral Palsy and Their Caregivers: A Pilot Study
ㆍEffect of Electrical Stimulation on Neural Regeneration in spinal Cord Injured Rat
ㆍIs a Local Administration of Parathyroid Hormone Effective to Tendon-to-Bone Healing in a Rat Rotator Cuff Repair Model?
ㆍInfluence of Smoking on the Expression of Genes and Proteins Related to Fat Infiltration, Inflammation, and Fibrosis in the Rotator Cuff Muscles of Patients With Chronic Rotator Cuff Tears: A Pilot Study.
ㆍEffect of Fatty Acid-Binding Protein 4 Inhibition on Rotator Cuff Muscle Quality: Histological, Biomechanical, and Biomolecular Analysis.
ㆍAltered gene and protein expressions of vitamin D receptor in skeletal muscle in sarcopenic patients who sustained distal radius fractures.
ㆍChanges in Perianchor Cyst Formation Over Time After Rotator Cuff Repair: Influential Factors and Outcomes.
ㆍGene Expression Patterns Analysis in the Supraspinatus Muscle after a Rotator Cuff Tear in a Mouse Model.
ㆍInverse agonist of ERRγ reduces cannabinoid receptor type 1-mediated induction of fibrinogen synthesis in mice with a high-fat diet-intoxicated liver.
ㆍSustained Delivery of Transforming Growth Factor β1 by Use of Absorbable Alginate Scaffold Enhances Rotator Cuff Healing in a Rabbit Model.
ㆍHepatocyte toll-like receptor 4 mediates lipopolysaccharide-induced hepcidin expression.
ㆍFatty acid-binding protein 4 regulates fatty infiltration after rotator cuff tear by hypoxia-inducible factor 1 in mice.
ㆍOrphan nuclear receptor ERRγ is a key regulator of human fibrinogen gene expression.
ㆍAltered Gene and Protein Expressions in Torn Rotator Cuff Tendon Tissues in Diabetic Patients.
ㆍOrphan nuclear receptor SHP regulates iron metabolism through inhibition of BMP6-mediated hepcidin expression.
ㆍThe Orphan Nuclear Receptor ERRγ Regulates Hepatic CB1 Receptor-Mediated Fibroblast Growth Factor 21 Gene Expression.
ㆍInsulin-inducible SMILE inhibits hepatic gluconeogenesis.
ㆍSirt1 rescues the obesity induced by insulin-resistant constitutively-nuclear FoxO1 in POMC neurons of male mice.
ㆍHypothalamic SIRT1 prevents age-associated weight gain by improving leptin sensitivity in mice.
ㆍATF3 expression is induced by low glucose in pancreatic α and β cells and regulates glucagon but not insulin gene transcription.
ㆍHypothalamic ATF3 is involved in regulating glucose and energy metabolism in mice.
ㆍHepatic FoxO1 integrates glucose utilization and lipid synthesis through regulation of Chrebp O-glycosylation.
ㆍFoxO1 gain of function in the pancreas causes glucose intolerance, polycystic pancreas, and islet hypervascularization.
ㆍFoxO1 as a double-edged sword in the pancreas: analysis of pancreas- and β-cell-specific FoxO1 knockout mice.
ㆍOverexpression of FoxO1 in the hypothalamus and pancreas causes obesity and glucose intolerance.
ㆍThe orphan nuclear receptor SHP is a positive regulator of osteoblastic bone formation.
ㆍThe orphan nuclear receptor estrogen receptor-related receptor gamma negatively regulates BMP2-induced osteoblast differentiation and bone formation.
ㆍMetformin inhibits hepatic gluconeogenesis through AMP-activated protein kinase-dependent regulation of the orphan nuclear receptor SHP.
ㆍOrphan nuclear receptor SHP interacts with and represses hepatocyte nuclear factor-6 (HNF-6) transactivation.
ㆍStructure and function of the atypical orphan nuclear receptor small heterodimer partner.
ㆍOrphan nuclear receptor Nur77 induces zinc finger protein GIOT-1 gene expression, and GIOT-1 acts as a novel corepressor of orphan nuclear receptor SF-1 via recruitment of HDAC2.
ㆍNovel yeast bioassay system for detection of androgenic and antiandrogenic compounds.
ㆍDifferential expression of Prx I and II in mouse testis and their up-regulation by radiation.
ㆍActivating signal cointegrator 1 is highly expressed in murine testicular Leydig cells and enhances the ligand-dependent transactivation of androgen receptor.
ㆍReceptor activator of NF-kappaB recruits multiple TRAF family adaptors and activates c-Jun N-terminal kinase.
ㆍRotator cuff muscle stem cells: the double-edged sword in the skeletal muscle
ㆍThe Relationship Between Fatty Infiltration and Gene Expression in Patients With Medium Rotator Cuff Tear
ㆍNovel instruments for percutaneous biportal endoscopic spine surgery for full decompression and dural management: A comparative analysis
ㆍAtrogin1‑induced loss of aquaporin 4 in myocytes leads to skeletal muscle atrophy
ㆍSimple Medial Meniscus Posterior Horn Root Repair Using an All‑Inside Meniscal Repair Device Combined with High Tibial Osteotomy to Maintain Joint‑Space Width in a Patient with a Repairable Tear
ㆍBiplane Medial Opening-Wedge High Tibial Osteotomy Increases Posterior Tibial Slope more than Uniplane Osteotomy
ㆍWater Dynamics in Unilateral Biportal Endoscopic Spine Surgery and Its Related Factors: An In Vivo Proportional Regression and Proficiency-Matched Study
ㆍEffect of Diabetes and Corticosteroid Injection on Glenohumeral Joint Capsule in a Rat Stiffness Model
ㆍHuman umbilical cord-blood-derived mesenchymal stem cell can improve the clinical outcome and Joint space width after high tibial osteotomy
ㆍDifferential regulation of the water channel protein aquaporins in chondrocytes of human knee articular cartilage by aging
ㆍEndoscopic Extreme Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion With Large Spacers: A Technical Note and Preliminary Report
ㆍCT halo sign: the spectrum of pulmonary diseases
ㆍ간 변연부 종양에 대한 고주파 소작술시 간 표면으로의 생리 식염수 주입의 유용성에 관한 실험연구
ㆍPineal Germinoma with Extracranial Metastases: Case Report
ㆍPleuropulmonary Endometriosis: CT–Pathologic Correlation
ㆍIntraperitoneal Saline Infusion during Radiofrequency Ablation of Subcapsular Hepatic Tumor
ㆍA Novel Muscle Atrophy Mechanism: Myocyte Degeneration due to Intracellular Iron Deprivation
ㆍCan High Acromion Index Predict Rotator Cuff Tears?
ㆍCombined medial open-wedge high tibial osteotomy and modified Maquet procedure for medial compartmental osteoarthritis and patellofemoral arthritis of the knee
ㆍRetear rate in the late postoperative period after arthroscopic rotator cuff repair
ㆍLCP distal ulna plate fixation of irreducible or unstable distal ulna fractures associated with distal radius fracture
ㆍPosttraumatic myositis ossificans of the hand: A locally aggressive malignancy-mimicking tumor
ㆍ족부 및 족관절부 연부조직 재건을 위한 전외측 대퇴 천공지 피판술의 임상결과
ㆍNon-structural cancellous bone graft and headless compression screw fixation for treatment of scaphoid waist non-union
ㆍ자발적 장무지 신전건 파열이 일어난 원위 요골 골절의 방사선적 분석
ㆍDirect repair of the sagittal band for extensor tendon subluxation caused by finger flicking
ㆍPrimary exploration for radial nerve palsy associated with unstable closed humeral shaft fracture
ㆍ전완부 요척골 분절 골절에서의 관혈적 정복 및 내고정술
ㆍKienböck’s disease with non-negative ulnar variance
ㆍ척골 고정만 시행한 급성 몬테지아 골절의 임상적 결과
ㆍ불안정 분쇄 주두 골절의 잠김 압박 금속판 치료
ㆍ하지 골절과 동반된 연부조직 결손 재건을 위한 역행성 비복동맥 피판술
ㆍLong-term Stack splint immobilization for closed tendinous Mallet Finger.
ㆍOutcomes Following Open Reduction and Internal Fixation in Proximal Phalangeal Fracture with Rotational Malalignment.
ㆍDifferences in patient and injury characteristics between sports- and non-sports related distal radius fractures
ㆍLong-term outcomes of the modified Nirschl technique for lateral Epicondylitis: a retrospective study
ㆍProtection of Surgical Team from COVID-19 during Bipolar Hemiarthroplasty in an Infected Elderly Patient
ㆍPostoperative Rehabilitation after Hip Fracture: A Literature Review
ㆍAssociations of COL2A1 Gene Polymorphisms and Ankylosing Spondylitis in the Korean Population
ㆍTotal Ankylosis by Heterotopic Ossification in an Adolescent Anterior Trans-olecranon Fracture Dislocation: A Case Report
ㆍIncidence and Associated Factors of Delirium after Orthopedic Surgery
ㆍIntracerebral Hemorrhage Caused by Thrombosis of a Developmental Venous Anomaly with an Unusual Structure: A Case Report
ㆍTranscatheter Removal of Bone Cement Embolism in the Right Atrium after Percutaneous Vertebroplasty: The Embolus Broke in Half and Migrated to the Right Pulmonary Artery Intraoperatively
ㆍValidation of age-adjusted ideal sagittal alignment in terms of proximal junctional failure and clinical outcomes in adult spinal deformity
ㆍL5-S1 nonunion occurrence even after anterior column support combined with iliac screw fixation in long fusion for adult spinal deformity: CT-based analysis at 2-year follow-up.
ㆍMetal failure and nonunion at L5-S1 after long instrumented fusion distal to pelvis for adult spinal deformity: Anterior versus transforaminal interbody fusion
ㆍImprovements in lower-extremity patient-reported outcomes after lumbar interbody fusion
ㆍHow does long thoracolumbar realignment surgery of adult spinal kyphotic deformity affect lower extremity compensation? Using full body radiograph
ㆍRetinal hemorrhage and transient consciousness disturbance after biportal endoscopic lumbar discectomy: A case report and literature review.
ㆍRelationship between sagittal alignment and anterior bony resorption of cervical vertebral body in patients with ankylosing spondylitis
ㆍBest versus worst surgical outcomes after single-level posterior lumbar interbody fusion for degenerative spondylolisthesis.
ㆍRadiographic findings for surgery-related complications after pedicle subtraction osteotomy for thoracolumbar kyphosis in 230 patients with ankylosing spondylitis.
ㆍImpact of growth hormone treatment on scoliosis development and progression: analysis of 1128 patients with idiopathic short stature.
ㆍInstrumented Surgical Treatment for Metastatic Spinal Tumors: Is Fusion Necessary?
ㆍSurgical decision for elderly spine deformity patient.
ㆍNovel radiographic parameters for the assessment of total body sagittal alignment in adult spinal deformity patients.
ㆍRelationship between facet joint tropism and degeneration of facet joints and intervertebral disc based on an histological study.
ㆍLong-term outcomes following lumbar total disc replacement using ProDisc-II: average 10 year follow-up at a single institute
ㆍHow accurately can Tokuhashi score system predict survival in the current practice for spinal metastases?: prospective analysis of 145 consecutive patients between 2007 and 2013
ㆍThe effect of simulated knee flexion on sagittal spinal alignment : novel interpretation of spinopelvic alignment
ㆍExtracorporeal membrane oxygenation for the anesthetic management of a patient with a massive intrathoracic goiter causing severe tracheal obstruction with positional symptoms: A case report
ㆍEvaluation of a central venous catheter tip placement for superior vena cava–subclavian central venous catheterization using a premeasured length - A retrospective study
ㆍPreoperative echocardiographic evaluation of cardiac systolic and diastolic function in liver transplant recipients with diabetes mellitus: a propensity-score matched analysis
ㆍEffect of Repetitive Corticosteroid Injection on Tennis Elbow Surgery
ㆍRadiographic Factors of Proximal Junctional Failure According to Age Groups in Adult Spinal Deformity
ㆍHemichorea-hemiballism with a diabetic patient
ㆍElevated free fatty acid is associated with cardioembolic stroke subtype
ㆍAge-dependent predictors for recurrent stroke: the paradoxical role of triglycerides
ㆍNonmotor Symptoms and Cognitive Decline in de novo Parkinson's Disease
ㆍChorea due to diabetic hyperglycemia and uremia: distinct clinical and imaging features
ㆍNocturnal stridor in multiple system atrophy: Video-polysomnography and clinical features
ㆍSensory Tricks for Cervical Levodopa-induced Dyskinesia in Patients with Parkinson's Disease
ㆍRelation of Enteric α-Synuclein to Gastrointestinal Dysfunction in Patients With Parkinson's Disease and in Neurologically Intact Subjects
ㆍClinical features of drug-induced parkinsonism based on [18F] FP-CIT positron emission tomography
ㆍComparison of Pallidal and Subthalamic Deep Brain Stimulation in Parkinson's Disease: Therapeutic and Adverse Effects
ㆍExome array study did not identify novel variants in Alzheimer's disease
ㆍMortality of advanced Parkinson's disease patients treated with deep brain stimulation surgery
ㆍAnalysis of non-synonymous-coding variants of Parkinson's disease-related pathogenic and susceptibility genes in East Asian populations
ㆍCR1, ABCA7, and APOE genes affect the features of cognitive impairment in Alzheimer's disease
ㆍAssociation of SNCA variants with α-synuclein of gastric and colonic mucosa in Parkinson's disease
ㆍGenomic Analysis Identifies New Loci Associated With Motor Complications in Parkinson's Disease
ㆍAge-dependent efficacy of subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation in young- and late-onset Parkinson's disease based on a 10 year follow-up
ㆍDistinct clinical features of predominant pre-synaptic and trans-synaptic nigrostriatal dysfunction in multiple system atrophy
ㆍAssociation of metals with the risk and clinical characteristics of Parkinson's disease
ㆍOculodentodigital Dysplasia Presenting as Spastic Paraparesis: The First Genetically Confirmed Korean Case and a Literature Review
ㆍIncreased suicide risk and clinical correlates of suicide among patients with Parkinson's disease
ㆍAssociation of type 2 diabetes GWAS loci and the risk of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases
ㆍAlzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease genome-wide association study top hits and risk of Parkinson's disease in Korean population
ㆍClinical characteristics of impulse control and repetitive behavior disorders in Parkinson's disease
ㆍDoes the amount of correction of sagittal deformity really promote proximal junctional kyphosis? Multivariate analyses according to uppermost instrumented vertebra levels
ㆍproximal junctional failure after corrective surgery: focusing on elderly patients with severe sagittal imbalance
ㆍFunctional improvement of unicompartmental knee arthroplasty compared with total knee arthroplasty for subchondral insufficiency fracture of the knee
ㆍIncidence of Convergence Between Distally and Anteriorly Oriented ALL Femoral Tunnels and ACL Femoral Tunnels in Combined ACL and ALL Reconstruction: 3-Dimensional Computed Tomography Analysis of 227 Patients
ㆍBearing-Related Complications of Total Hip Arthroplasty Using Fourth-Generation Ceramic-On-Ceramic Articulations: Does Articular Noise Increase Over Time?
ㆍPlate fixation with a single incisional approach in adjoining two metacarpal shaft fractures.
ㆍContinuous theta-burst stimulation over the left posterior inferior frontal gyrus induced compensatory plasticity in the language network
ㆍNew cutoffs for intraoperative somatosensory and motor evoked potentials during brain surgery
ㆍLong-term changes of the neural network in case of improved post-hypoxic myoclonus and gait
ㆍCorrelations between COMT polymorphism and brain structure and cognition in elderly subjects: An observational study
ㆍSpinopelvic alignment as a risk factor for poor balance function in low back pain patients
ㆍNon-Powered automatic velocity-controlled wheeled walker improves gait and satisfaction in patients with hip fracture when walking downhill: A cross-over study
ㆍChanges in pharyngeal width over time as an indicator of dysphagia in stroke patients
ㆍPredictive value of pharyngeal width at rest (JOSCYL width) for aspiration in elderly people
ㆍThe association between post burn vitamin D deficiency and the biomechanical properties of hypertrophic scars
ㆍPharyngeal width and aspiration after stroke
ㆍIncreased white matter diffusivity associated with phantom limb pain
ㆍUnveiling the crucial role of peroxisomal acyl-CoA metabolism in muscle atrophy: Insights from genetic models and therapeutic interventions
ㆍDiscrepancies in plantar pressure distribution between affected and unaffected sides in patients with plantar fasciitis
ㆍA case of Herpetic Whitlow of toe misdiagnosed as bacterial infection: A case report
ㆍComparison of in-shoe plantar pressure between Korean combat boots and running shoes
ㆍComparison of in-shoe pedobarographic variables between two orthoses during toe and heel gait
ㆍChange of Segmental Motion Following Total Ankle Arthroplasty Using a 3-Dimensional Multi-segment Foot Model
ㆍProlonged Union in Conservative Treatment of Symphalangeal Toe Fractures: Case Series.
ㆍComparison of Ankle Arthrodesis and Total Ankle Arthroplasty in End-Stage Ankle Arthritis.
ㆍPercutaneous acetabular anchoring pin-assisted cephalomedullary nailing for subtrochanteric and unstable intertrochanteric fractures
ㆍSafety and Efficacy of a Novel Anterior Decompression Technique for Ossification of Posterior Longitudinal Ligament of the Cervical Spine
ㆍThe Efficacy of Vitamin C on Postoperative Outcomes after Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion: A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial
ㆍSurvival and Prognostic Factors After Surgery in Single Spinal Metastasis: Comparison of Isolated-Single Spinal Metastasis and Single Spinal Metastasis with Other Metastasis
ㆍRisk factors of adjacent-segment disease after short-segment fusion in patients with de novo degenerative lumbar scoliosis
ㆍClinical Significance of Lordosis Orientation on Proximal Junctional Kyphosis Development in Long-Segment Fusion Surgery for Adult Spinal Deformity